Monday, December 13, 2010

Types of Hobbies – Collecting

When talking of hobbies, these are of many types. Here in this post, I shall be discussing about “Collecting.”  Collecting various things is one of the most popular hobbies that hobbyists love doing. And there are lots of things that people collect. One could keep talking of small objects which for many may not cause an attention, but for those who love that particular object, it may be an instant eye catcher.
When talking of collecting, many things instantly come to mind like stamps, match boxes, train/bus/airline tickets and brochures, post cards, photographs, medals, and even books. While a lot many people love to read, there are also many who love to collect books to decorate their home libraries. They may not read, but collecting rare and exclusive books is one of the most expensive hobbies. Like stamps, coins are also favourites. Coins not only talk of history, they are also fortunes as these cost in many digits depending upon their rarity and vintage minting date.
I know many people who would like to display multi-volume encyclopedias in their homes. And when I took a small survey, I found that none of them has ever consulted this volumetric source of information.  With the internet coming to most of the houses, the use of books even as reference object is dwindling.
People also love to collect cars – vintage as well as modern. Recently there was a car rally of vintage cars in Pakistan from Karachi to Islamabad to collect donations for the flood victims of the country, which affected some 20 million. And I was amazed to see cars of 50s and 60s rolling on the roads. I will talk more about these cars and collecting vintage cars some other time.
I for myself collected stamps for quite a long time and have a pretty heavy collection of stamps, some dating even the start of the 20th century. I share my collection in my blog My Philatelic World. I will share pages from my stamp album here too for those who love to collect stamps.

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