Michael Jackson, born August 29, 1958 , was an American entertainer, singer and founder of innovative slow dancing. After Elvis Presley, no American singer got so much of popularity as Michael got. Though his personality was marred by scandals and other negative news, he remained a King of the Pop music and ruled the pop world all over the world. Not only music, he was a maestro of dance on the stage and innovative and appealing attire.
His music broke all records. His album Thriller (released 1982) remains the best-selling album ever (so far sold more than 110 million copies). His videos of Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller will always be remembered for their aesthetic composition. Jackson is also credited to have been included into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. His death on June 25, 2009 leaves behind many mysteries as some label his death as a well planned murder.
No matter how controversial his life may have been, he will be remembered as an unbeaten music maestro for ever. Many countries have issued commemorative stamps in his memory that immortalize the great singer. The stamps shown above include countries like St Vincent , Guinea Bissau , Guinea , British Virgin Islands and Chad .
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